Fundraise for MSF

Support "Adrianne Loves the World "
  • Organized By:
    Dominic Lee & Annie Ng
  • Venue:
    Hong Kong
  • Date:
    From:10-07-20 to 31-08-20

The world is full of Love in the eyes of kids.  Adrianne is going to 6th years old in Aug.  She loves the Earth and all the Animals.  As her parents, we would like to teach her the great happiness she will receive when she's helping others.  Instead of sending her birthday gifts or lucky money, she is more happy to do the charity fundraising.  She is learning a great lesson from you.  Thank you so much for your donation.  God bless you and your beloved one.

Adrianne 愛地球及動物,希望大家給她一個有意義的6嵗生日籌款活動, 為世界有需要的人加添一點愛, 謝謝您的捐款。