
支持 "Baby Alexander’s First Month"
  • 策划人:
    Edward Goh
  • 日期:
    由27-03-18 至 27-04-18

As we celebrate the first month of our baby boy, out thoughts are also with the thousands of less fortunate children around the world who are in need of basic healthcare. We ask that you do not bring gifts to this celebration but should you insist, kindly make a small donation to MSF, the charity of our choice. Thank you.

Baby Alexander, Sonia and Edward



  • Anonymous
    留言: All the best Baby Xander, may you always be compassionate and lend a helping hand to those in need!
    捐款金额: HK$1200~(1200)
  • Anonymous
    留言: Happy First Month Baby Alexander! Always doing great things!:)
    捐款金额: HK$600~(600)