
支持 "Do you hear the People Sing?"
  • 策划人:
    Richard Cheung Siu-ming
  • 日期:
    由11-04-22 至 30-04-22

My birthday is coming up in April, but it is hard to celebrate right now.

Many people in zones of acute conflict, have been killed, injured or driven out of their homes, like the fighting between Russia and Ukraine since February 2022. They are in dire need of medical attention and support. MSF has consistently been sending in dedicated volunteers into these war zones, to save lives and help people overcome the traumas of war. This is why MSF deserves our support.

In the coming weeks I intend to encourage you to make a donation to MSF, by sharing with you some songs from a different era but with a universal message of freedom, peace and support for people to determine their own future. Just the history behind some of these songs are well worth recalling. In my previous fund-raiser in July 2021, I was busking in Central, Hong Kong. This time I am putting them on Youtube. Any suggestions for songs will be most welcome. So far I intend to sing:

1. Blowin’ In the Wind
2. Where have all the flowers gone?
3. Do you hear the people sing?
4. Imagine

You can donate directly through this page and the funds will support the work of the Hong Kong MSF.

*Your donation will go to MSF general fund, which gives MSF medical teams across the world the valuable flexibility to respond to emergencies as needs arise.

  • 筹款进度50%

  • 筹得款项(港币)2500

  • 筹款目标(港币)5000

  • 支持者人数4



  • Cristina
    留言: We need more compassionate people like you. Happy birthday!
    捐款金额: HK$500~(500)
  • 留言: Happy Birthday
    捐款金额: HK$500~(500)
  • Anonymous
    捐款金额: HK$500~(500)
  • Anthony
    留言: Let’s do all we can to raise money for the children who have lost their families,homes and schools.
    捐款金额: HK$1000~(1000)