Plastic Sheeting

Eight 4'x6' Plastic Sheets

Plastic Sheeting

Over 65 million people, or one person in 113, are currently being forced to flee their homes by conflict, violence and persecution. In response, MSF mobile teams are delivering healthcare, sanitation, food and shelter to refugees at multiple points throughout the Middle East and Europe for these patients whose medical needs have been desperately neglected, including those fleeing conflict from Africa and the Middle East.

Finding shelter is not only vital to survival for these victims of war and conflict – it is a basic human right. Because vulnerable refugee families may be stranded for months in harsh, unforgiving conditions, MSF distributes plastic sheeting with a groundsheet and tent cover included – enough to provide a family with a basic shelter that is waterproof, rot-proof, anti-UV treated and able to withstand dramatic temperature changes.

Purchase a symbolic gift now and provide medical care for refugees and other vulnerable people in need!

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